
City of Toronto Will Use Telenetics' Technology In Wastewater Management System

Dec. 28, 2000
LAKE FOREST, Calif. -- Telenetics Corporation, a provider of wireless technologies and products to the industrial automation markets, announced that its proprietary communication technology will be used by a third party in the implementation of Toronto's wastewater management project. Telenetics devices will be used in monitoring several hundred distribution points and central system controls. This follows the successful use of similar technology and products of Telenetics in other applications in Hong Kong and Mexico (power distribution automation), Korea and Tamp, Florida (energy management system), Charlotte, North Carolina, Inglewood, Colorado, Mesa, Arizona and Philadelphia (traffic management systems). Commenting on this development, Michael Armani, chief executive officer of Telenetics stated: "As protection of the environment gains urgency and our water supplies become more precious and less available, water distribution and waste water management projects gain prominence." Telenetics uses wireless networks and equipment to collect data from industrial devices such as meters, remote terminal units, traffic controllers, industrial controls, remote sensors and data loggers and transmit it through wireless cellular and radio frequency networks or telephone lines to a host site, direct or via the Internet. SOURCE: Business Wire

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