Courses in Arizona Three short courses will be held in Tucson, Ariz., for ground water scientists and engineers, and water well system contractors, beginning March 17, 18, and 19.
The courses are:
•Estimating Times of Remediation Associated with Monitored Natural Attenuation and Contaminant Source Removal, March 17-18, presented by Frank Chapelle, Ph.D., and Mark Widdowson, Ph.D.;
•Environmental Geochemistry of Metals: Investigation and Remediation, March 18-20, presented by Patrick Longmire, Ph.D., CGWP, and William Deutsch, M.S.; and
•Design and Construction of Wells, March 19-20, presented by Dale Ralston and Allan Wylie, Ph.D.
Course in Ohio
The short course “Principles of Ground Water: Flow, Transport, and Remediation” will be offered March 17-19 in Dublin, Ohio.
Presented by E. Scott Bair, Ph.D., and Tom Naymik, Ph.D., the course examines the concepts, theories and procedures in hydrogeology. The course will address issues including the movement and occurrence of groundwater, transmissivity, hydraulic head and gradient, aquifer test procedures and analysis, water-quality characterization, solute transport, plume configuration, delineation, capture zone analysis, groundwater modeling and remediation techniques.
The course is designed for geoscientists, engineers, chemists, entry-level hydrogeologists, and new groundwater and environmental professionals.
To learn more and register for any of the courses, visit and click on Events & Education.
Source: NGWA