
New Website for Tribes in Search of Clean Water Act Training

Part of EPA effort to provide more structured, consolidated training to assist tribes in implementing CWA programs
Aug. 26, 2008

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has launched a new website (www.epa.gov/water/tribaltraining/) that contains all of the EPA-sponsored Clean Water Act (CWA) training courses available to Indian tribes.

The new website is the culmination of a larger EPA effort to provide more structured, consolidated training to assist tribes in implementing programs under the CWA.

The website contains listings of face-to-face training courses offered by EPA’s Office of Water, links to self-paced training for CWA programs, links to relevant training courses offered by other EPA program offices (both face-to-face and self-paced) as well as links to other important resources and tools. EPA is working with Indian tribes to identify future training needs for CWA programs.

Source: EPA

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