California American Water Continues Infrastructure Replacement in San Gabriel and San Marino
California American Water is nearing completion on the replacement and upgrade of 10,100 ft of water transmission mains in the cities of San Gabriel and San Marino.
"The new pipe is eight inches in diameter. The result will be improved water volume for homes and businesses, and increased fire hydrant flow for the cities," said Operations Manager Garry Hofer. "The old 4-in. water main we're replacing includes some stretches that are more than 70 years old."
The upgrade is consistent with increased fire protection goals throughout the region. As water companies address the daunting prospect of replacing aging infrastructure, larger diameter pipes allow for increased fire protection.
"Some of the hydrants served by the old 4-in. mains currently produce only about 500 gal of water a minute (gpm)," said Hofer. "With the new main, the flow from those hydrants will increase to more than 1,000 gpm."
Source: California American Water