
"Building the Wastewater Utility Brand" Management Manual Now Available

Manual focuses on how utilities can adopt the marketing strategy of branding
Oct. 16, 2008

A new management manual is available that focuses on how wastewater utilities can adopt the marketing strategy of branding to establish the value of their organizations and to successfully compete for customers' investment dollars.

Written by marketing and branding expert John Ruetten, the 52-page manual, "Building the Wastewater Utility Brand," addresses specific investment and branding challenges facing wastewater utilities and provides step-by-step instructions on defining and implementing the utility brand.

Topics include the politics of investing in water and the environment, negative branding of wastewater utilities and the benefits of building a strong brand.

The Manual was published by the Southern California Alliance of POTWs in collaboration with the California Association of Sanitation Agencies, California Water Environment Association, Bay Area Clean Water Agencies, Central Valley Clean Water Association and the National Water Research Institute.

Please visit www.nwri-usa.org to order a printed copy of the manual.

Source: NWRI

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