New Requests for Proposals from the WateReuse Foundation
Source WateReuse Foundation
The WateReuse Foundation has announced the release of a two new Requests for Proposals (RFPs) for research projects.
Approaches to Maintain Consistently High Quality Recycled Water in Storage and Distribution Systems (WRF-08-04)
This research would provide understanding of water quality degradation in recycled water storage and distribution systems and recommend storage, treatment and distribution system operations changes that would maintain high quality recycled water at point of use.
The study will directly benefit utilities by providing information that will allow them to cost-effectively modify processes to minimize complaints of microbial regrowth (bacterial and algae), odor and color. The study will also examine how utilities can reduce operational challenges, reduce public health risks and build public trust. Proposals are due Dec. 12, 2008.
The Value of Water Supply Reliability in the Residential Sector (WRF-08-09)
The overall goal of this study is to more accurately characterize the value of changes in water supply reliability to residential and recreational (parks, playgrounds and schools) users through the application of relevant economic valuation techniques, relying on advanced statistical analysis of residential stated preference data collected via state-of-the-art survey methods. Proposals are due Dec. 12, 2008
To view proposal templates, visit .
Source: WateReuse Foundation