The Water Environment Federation (WEF) has announced the launch of an online library of papers presented at WEFTEC and WEF specialty conferences.
Accessible on the WEF website, the papers are non-peer reviewed and range from the year 2000 to the present. Many of the conference proceedings are currently online and available either through download or on CD-rom at: Publications/Proceedings.
The conference proceedings library is another component to the revised website launched last month. The revisions are intended to provide easy access to the world’s best science, engineering and technical practices for water quality improvement. In addition to a new library of resources called “Access Water Knowledge,” the revised website also features a WaterBlog and Water Heroes profiles.
Phase II developments are currently underway and will include the addition of a more complete water library that will integrate WEF’s broad array of technical resources. Slated to launch in 2009, the site will feature a new look and search system that will allow users easy access to the latest in water quality information, research and news.
Source: WEF