
Insituform Receives Contracts for Atlanta Sewer Work

Contracts amount to $13.3 million
Jan. 8, 2009

Insituform Technologies, Inc., has received a series of contracts and notices of pending contracts amounting to $13.3 million in new sewer pipe rehabilitation work in the Atlanta area.

The firm was recently awarded two contracts from the city of Atlanta, one a $4.8 million award through its joint venture with Metals & Materials Engineers, LLC, and the other a $4.5 million award through its joint venture with Imani Environmental Group, Inc.

Separately, Insituform said that it anticipates the authorization of $4 million in medium- and large-diameter sanitary sewer lining work under its annual term contract with Dekalb County, Ga., during the coming year. All of the contracts encompass tasks associated with the city’s Clean Water Atlanta program, which was launched in 2002.

Source: Environmental Business Journal

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