
EPA Approves Non-Hazardous Nitrate Method for Compliance Monitoring

Systea Scientific’s method meets requirements for measurement of nitrate and nitrite in water and wastewater
Jan. 27, 2009

After review of validation data, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has approved the use of Systea Scientific’s new non-hazardous nitrate method. The EPA determined that the method meets all requirements at 40 CFR Part 136 for measurement of nitrate and nitrite singly or combined in water and wastewater.

The new “green” method eliminates problems associated with nitrate analysis such as: matrix interferences, poor reproducibility and recovery, hazardous waste generation and exposure of laboratory personnel to carcinogenic compounds (hydrazine and cadmium) used in methods 353.1 and 353.2.

Source: Systea Scientific, LLC

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