Autovation 2009 Accepting Abstracts
Utilimetrics is now accepting abstracts for Autovation 2009, scheduled for Sept. 13 to 16 in Denver. Share your expertise with utility industry peers at the premier conference focusing on AMR/AMI and Smart Grid.
For more than 20 years, Autovation has attracted utility professionals interested in the newest technology, communication strategies and advanced applications. Education sessions are presented by utility peers who discuss their experience before, during and after the AMR/AMI deployment process.
Experienced industry speakers are invited to discuss challenges, solutions and AMR/AMI deployment procedures at Autovation 2009.
Utility speakers receive complimentary registration for presenting.
The Program Committee is looking for papers on the topics of: planning and strategy, technology, policy and economics, applications and benefits, engaging stakeholders, and case studies.
Visit to submit your proposal online. Submission by Feb. 25 is encouraged to ensure early consideration. Later submissions will be reviewed and accepted pending availability within the schedule.
A user name and password is needed for the online submission process. If you are unable to locate your record in the database, contact Utilimetrics headquarters to obtain your login information at 847.480.9628.
For more information contact Barbara Gunderson, education director, at 847.480.9628 or [email protected].
Source: Utilimetrics