Meadville, Pa., Water System Earns Source Water System of the Year Award
Source American Water Works Co., Inc.
American Water Works Co., Inc., the largest investor-owned U.S. water and wastewater utility company, recently announced that the Meadville Area Water Authority (MAWA), managed by American Water, has received the 2009 Source Water System of the Year Award from the Pennsylvania Rural Water Association (PRWA).
This award recognizes a water system that has developed and implemented a highly effective program to protect its source of drinking water. MAWA earned the award as a direct result of its successful Wellhead Protection Plan.
In 2006, MAWA received a $40,626 Source Water Protection Grant, provided by the Federal Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Program and administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), to develop an effective Wellhead Protection Plan. Since then, MAWA has been committed to protecting their water source and providing high-quality, safe, dependable water service to its community.
Areas of achievement in protecting its source water are: zoning, storm water management, capture of chemical data and storage in watershed, education outreach and working to promote water source to enhance economic development.
“This award salutes everyone's effort towards protecting our most valuable resource-water,” said Gary A. Fabian, chairperson for the Meadville Area Water Authority. “Together, through this public/private partnership, we have worked tirelessly in meshing the protection of our water source and promoting growth in the community we serve. The partnerships that have been formed will be long lasting because our goals of ‘protection’ and ‘our community’ go hand in hand.”
American Water and MAWA formed a public-private partnership in 1997 to develop long-term strategic management and planning processes. The contract was renewed in January 2008 for an additional 10 years.
“We are extremely pleased to be awarded this contract renewal and are committed to delivering excellent service that Meadville can depend upon,” said Don Nold, American Water project manager.
Source: American Water Works Co., Inc.