CH2M HILL Wins Three Awards for Excellence in Environmental Engineering from AAEE
CH2M HILL announced it has received three awards for a water reclamation plant, a wastewater treatment plant and a water treatment plant for Excellence in Environmental Engineering by the American Academy of Environmental Engineers (AAEE).
The Twin Oaks Valley Water Treatment Plant and Clovis, Calif., Clovis Wastewater Reuse Facility are 2009 Design Honor Award winners, while the Loudoun County, Va., Broad Run Water Reclamation Facility received the 2009 Grand Prize.
The Broad Run Water Reclamation Facility (WRF), the result of a 10-year partnership between CH2M HILL and its client, Loudoun Water, received national recognition from AAEE as the first large-scale application of membrane bioreactor (MBR)-carbon treatment-ultraviolet disinfection technology and the first MBR plant to simultaneously meet extremely stringent nutrient limits while providing multiple pathogen barriers to protect public health. In a campus-like setting that incorporates nature trails, rain gardens, and a display of the treated effluent to increase public understanding of water reuse, the $190-million, state-of-the-art, 11-million-gal-per-day (mgd) Broad Run WRF also provides a community amenity that will have long-lasting educational, aesthetic and recreational value to Loudoun County, Va.
The Clovis Wastewater Reuse Facility, completed in February, uses the latest technology to relieve the demand on underground and surface water supplies and will provide recycled water for irrigation, vital as the region’s population continues to grow. The 2.8-mgd plant uses low-pressure, high-output ultraviolet lamps for disinfection that require one-third the amount of energy compared to other ultraviolet options. Membrane bioreactors provide the opportunity for better automation, reduced facility size and treatment performance. Additionally, the patented Cannibal sludge reduction system will reduce the amount of biosolids significantly and is the largest application of the technology to date in California.
The Twin Oaks Valley Water Treatment Plant (WTP) was designed, built and is now operated by CH2M HILL for the San Diego County Water Authority. The 100-mgd water treatment plant is the first to be built and owned by the Water Authority, which is a wholesale distributor of both treated and raw water to its 24 member agencies. The facility is the largest submerged membrane installation in the world, also incorporating advanced ozonation and biological treatment. The $157-million contract was awarded to CH2M HILL in September 2005, and includes an annual operation and maintenance fee of $6 million per year. The DBO approach allowed concurrent design, procurement, construction and permit approvals to support a tight construction schedule, saving the Water Authority time and money. The design using innovative technology that reduces its environmental impact while providing high-quality water helped the Twin Oaks Valley WTP to earn the AAEE Excellence in Environmental Engineering Award.
Source: CH2M HILL