ARRA Funding Awarded To California, North Carolina, Missouri, Iowa and Colorado
Source EPA
California Receives $2.8 Million
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has awarded $2.8 million to the California State Water Resources Control Board under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA). A total of $39 million will be awarded nationally to states for Water Quality Management Planning (WQMP) grants, which will keep and create jobs to help prevent water pollution and protect human health and the environment.
"The Recovery Act investments are meeting urgent needs for economic growth and protecting human health and the environment,” said EPA Administrator Lisa P. Jackson. “Communities across the nation can count on green jobs to help pull them out of this downturn and ensure the long-term strength of our economy and our environment.”
"With this infusion of Recovery Act funding, California will have more resources for high priority projects and the promotion of water and energy efficiency projects," said Laura Yoshii, acting regional administrator for the EPA in the Pacific Southwest. "This funding will not only make it possible to focus on this critical work, it will also create and save California jobs."
North Carolina Receives $714,400
The EPA has also awarded $714,400 to the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources under ARRA.
“With this Recovery Act funding, North Carolina will pursue additional water quality planning activities that will lead to increased economic activity and new water quality protection efforts in the state,” said Stan Meiburg, EPA acting regional administrator in Atlanta. “This funding will benefit North Carolina residents by promoting improved water quality while strengthening the economy through the creation of green jobs.”
Missouri Receives More Than $1 Million
The EPA has also awarded $1,097,400 to the Missouri Department of Natural Resources under ARRA.
"The funds will keep and create jobs in Missouri to help prevent water pollution and protect human health and the environment," said William Rice, acting regional administrator. "Clean water is essential to both healthy communities and healthy local economies."
Iowa Receives $535,800
EPA has also awarded $535,800 to the Iowa Department of Natural Resources under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.
"The funds will keep and create jobs in Iowa to help prevent water pollution and protect human health and the environment," William Rice said. "Clean water is essential to both healthy communities and healthy local economies."
Colorado Receives $25 Million
EPA has also awarded more than $25 million, part of a planned $31 million total, to the Colorado Water Resources and Power Development Authority. This new infusion of money provided by ARRA will help the state and local governments finance many of the overdue improvements to wastewater projects that are essential to protecting public health and the environment across the state.
“EPA is pleased to provide $25 million in Recovery Act funds for much needed improvements to Colorado’s water infrastructure that will benefit the state for decades to come,” said Carol Rushin, acting regional administrator. “This funding will protect public health and improve water quality while creating hundreds of jobs in Colorado.”
The Recovery Act funds will go to the state's Clean Water State Revolving Fund program.
Source: EPA