
NEXRAD Task Committee Receives ASCE/EWRI Excellence Award

PBS&J water resources engineer co-chaired committee
June 15, 2009

Randy Graham, a water resources engineer in the PBS&J Omaha, Neb., office, served on a task committee that has received the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Environmental and Water Resources Institute (EWRI) Task Committee Excellence Award. The Use and Application of NWS WSR-88D Doppler Radar (NEXRAD) Task Committee was recognized at the World Environmental & Water Resources Congress in May in Kansas City, Mo.

Graham co-chaired the technical committee, which was charged to provide a forum for engineers and scientists to investigate and disseminate knowledge on the use and application of WSR-88D Doppler radar data to estimate surface rainfall in operational flood prediction, basin runoff model calibration and rainfall reconstitution. This committee reached out beyond ASCE to organizations comprised mainly of scientists, both nationally and internationally. And due to the extent of scientific material being produced through ASCE, as well as the expansion of the society into non-traditional sciences, the NEXRAD committee was recognized.

For more information on NEXRAD and the task committee’s findings, contact Randy Graham at [email protected].

Source: PBS&J

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