
Experts to Discuss Lake Michigan, Great Lakes Issues in Milwaukee

Many conference sessions will be webcast live
Sept. 28, 2009

Experts will discuss Lake Michigan and Great Lakes issues at three conferences in Milwaukee from Sept. 29 through Oct. 2.

Topics at the concurrent State of Lake Michigan and Great Lakes Beach Association conferences Sept. 29 to Oct. 1 include Lake Michigan fisheries; invasive species; nuisance and harmful algal blooms; climate change; lake water levels; sustainability; progress in cleanups on contaminated sediment; rapid testing methods for beach management; and beach restoration.

Many sessions will be webcast live at http://epa.gov/greatlakes/live. In association with these meetings, the annual Areas of Concern conference will be held Oct. 1 to 2 at the same location. Areas of concern are locations along the Great Lakes in both the U.S. and Canada specially designated as hot spots for polluted sediment.

The events will be held at the Hyatt Regency, 333 W. Kilbourn. The conferences are sponsored by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, University of Wisconsin Sea Grant Institute, Great Lakes Beach Association and many other organizations. The agendas, registration information and a list of sponsors are available at http://www.aqua.wisc.edu/solm.

Registration and information for the Areas of Concern conference can be found separately at http://glc/prg/rap/aocconference.

Source: EPA

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