Water Environment Federation Launches Redesigned Website
The Water Environment Federation (WEF) announced the launch of its redesigned website, www.wef.org. With a new look, the site includes a new search feature that will allow users easier access to the site's water quality information, research and news, the organization said. The launch completes the second of a two-phase project that aims to increase access to the world’s best science, engineering and technical practices in the water quality field.
In addition to the new look, visitors also have access to a new online training section, Web 2.0 links to Facebook and Twitter and an updated version of WEF’s online library, Access Water Knowledge. Now featuring a streamlined login process, Access Water Knowledge includes training opportunities, research and news from WEF and other sources on topics in the water quality field.
Other important features on the site include WEF’s “WaterBlog” and “Water Heroes.” Updated bi-weekly, “WaterBlog” tries to foster discussion among water professionals about the latest water quality issues, while the “Water Heroes” section recognizes the daily achievements of water professionals and helps tell stories of the role WEF members play in protecting public health and the environment.
Source: WEF