
Clean Energy, Climate Policy Key to Job Growth, USCAP Says

Group releases statement
Dec. 7, 2009
2 min read

The following is a statement from the U.S. Climate Action Partnership (USCAP) regarding the president’s Forum on Jobs and Economic Growth:

“Today, President Obama convenes a diverse group of American business, labor and economic leaders to explore job creation and economic growth. Several USCAP members, including Dow Chemical Company, Siemens AG and Pacific Gas & Electric are participating in the president’s Forum. USCAP shares the Administration’s commitment to improving our nation’s employment outlook.

“We believe one of the most effective ways to energize the American economy and accelerate job creation is through the adoption of clean energy and climate legislation that lowers our greenhouse gas emissions.

“U.S. action on climate legislation is not only about protecting the environment. It is also about American leadership in an emerging low-carbon economy that will generate American jobs. Other nations have already recognized that investments in clean technologies will deliver economic benefits and accelerate job creation--and the U.S. must not let this opportunity for leadership slip away.

“By putting a price on carbon, the U.S. can spark major investments in new technologies and the related infrastructure associated with them. USCAP believes action on climate will strengthen the U.S. economy and generate meaningful employment for Americans.”

Source: USCAP

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