Neptune Named Prime Contractor for Supply of Product, Installation Services to City of Toronto
Source Neptune Technology Group
The city of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, has selected Neptune Technology Group, Ltd., a division of Neptune Technology Group, Inc., as the prime contractor for the supply and installation of lead-free water meters and a Fixed Network Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) System covering the City’s 465,000 water services.
The installation project, which is scheduled to be completed in six years, has three main components. These include universal metering of more than 70,000 flat rate residential accounts; replacement, or upgrade, of more than 380,000 residential meters; and nearly 15,000 large meters for industrial, commercial and institutional accounts. Neptune will install lead-free meters equipped with either ProRead or E-Coder absolute encoder registers. The new lead-free water meters will provide improved accuracy and reliability to give the city a solid foundation for the Fixed Network AMR System, Neptune said.
Neptune will provide all project management and installation services required for the integration of the technology for this project. As part of the solution, Neptune will provide data repository capabilities that will enable both city staff and the city’s customers to access up to seven years of meter reading information over the Internet to provide a high level of customer service and support ongoing water conservation initiatives. Neptune will be responsible for the deployment of an Aclara STAR Network System.
“The City of Toronto is taking a customer-driven approach to managing its water resources and expanding its water conservation initiatives,” said Chuck DiLaura, president of Neptune Technology Group. “Toronto’s decision to select Neptune as the System Integrator adds further validation that our products and services are addressing the key needs of the water utility market.”
Source: Neptune Technology Group