ATEC Steel Acquires New Manufacturing Plant
Source Tank Connection Affiliate Group
Tank Connection Affiliate Group (TCAG) announced that its affiliate company ATEC Steel has acquired a 60,000-sq-ft manufacturing facility in Baxter Springs, Kan. ATEC Steel is a provider of field-weld tank fabrication, specialty steel construction and field construction services in North America. ATEC currently maintains two other facilities including a 100,000-sq-ft manufacturing facility in Baxter Springs, Kan., and a 55,000-sq-ft manufacturing facility in Gardena, Calif. This new addition will allow expansion of its specialty steel construction and pressure vessel product lines. ATEC products and services are routinely specified in the power, petroleum, water and wastewater, minerals and mining industries.
Tank Connection and ATEC Steel are vertically integrated companies. Starting with steel procurement at the mill and finishing with construction services in the field, all value-added design, manufacturing, project management, system integration and field installation services are performed by company personnel.
“While other companies have been scaling back, we are investing in the future of U.S.-manufactured storage products,” said Noel Garrett, president of ATEC Steel. “Currently we are in the middle of an expansion project of installing a rail spur into our facility, which allows us to receive steel directly from the mill. Globally, our clients tout ‘American Made’ as the best capital equipment that can be purchased and that really says it all.”
ATEC’s new plant addition will allow it to expand its specialty steel product lines as well as its coating applications. ATEC is compliant with API 620, API 650, API 653, AWWA D100 and other national and international codes. ATEC also maintains ASME “S,” “U,” “PP” and NBIC “R” code stamp certifications.
Source: Tank Connection Affiliate Group