Frank Reiner has been named incoming president of The Chlorine Institute, Inc. (CI), which is a trade association that supports the chlor-alkali industry and fosters safety improvements in the production, distribution and use of chlorine and related chemicals.
Reiner, who joined CI in 2005 after 16 years with the Union Tank Car Co., Chicago, will succeed Arthur E. Dungan on June 14, 2010, allowing for a six-week transition prior to Dungan’s retirement on July 31, 2010. In the meantime, Reiner will continue as CI vice president of transportation and emergency preparedness. Dungan joined CI in 1988 and has served as president since January 2006. Reiner’s last post with Union Tank Car before joining CI was director of shop operations.
“Frank’s work history includes many years in various aspects of railroad tank car design, construction and maintenance,” CI Chair David Garner of Brenntag Group, Reading, Pa., said in announcing Reiner's selection. “Since joining CI, he has led various teams that have developed recommendations to improve safe and secure shipment of CI mission chemical tank cars and have developed tools and training programs to deal with potential chlorine emergencies.”
Source: The Chlorine Institute, Inc.