Pump Station Project to Reduce Trash in Los Angeles River Includes CDS Storm Water Treatment System
The groundbreaking ceremony of Pump Station SD11 in Long Beach, Calif., where a CDS hydrodynamic separator will be installed in order to remove trash from urban runoff flowing into the Los Angeles River, recently took place.
This is one of three projects recently designed by the city of Long Beach to help contribute to achieving the Los Angeles River Total Maximum Daily Load numerical target of zero trash. Funding for these projects was provided in full or part by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 and the Clean Water State Revolving Fund, through an agreement with the State Water Resource Control Board.
The indirect screening capability of the system allows for 100% removal of floatables and neutrally-buoyant material, without blocking, even at high flows. Using patented continuous deflective separation and swirl concentration technology, the CDS system from CONTECH offers non-blocking, non-mechanical screening for minimal maintenance and reliable results, the company said.
There are more than 100 CDS systems installed throughout the Los Angeles area.