
Dynamic Systems Launches Public Works Tracking Software

Software suite allows tracking of tools, inventory and capital assets
Nov. 24, 2010

Dynamic Systems, a Redmond, Wash., software developer specializing in data collection applications announced a low-cost suite of applications based on barcode technology.

The CheckMate Software for Public Works, Utilities, Energy and Department of Transportation organizations integrates major functions within the organization and includes tracking of capital assets, inventory, and tools and equipment. Tools can be checked out to a job or location, department, task or employee, and the system will show who has them, where they is located and when they are due back. Stockroom will track inventory in multiple locations and capital assets will record asset condition and depreciate items.The applications are Windows-based, integrated and easy to use.

Advantages to the Tracking Program include reduced loss of equipment, ability to identify low-stock items, improvement in productivity and compliance with accounting requirements for capital asset tracking. “Our customers see a typical payback for the software within 3 to 4 months,” said Rob Freeman, vice president of business development.

Source: Dynamic Systems

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