
Siemens Adds New Process Control System to Memcor Membrane Line

Clearlogx Process system improve contaminant removal with reduce membrane fouling
Dec. 8, 2010

Siemens Water Technologies announced a new addition to its technology portfolio with the purchase of the patent-pending Clearlogx Process chemical feed system. Siemens and U.S.-based company MarMac Water LLC of Greenwood Village, Colo., signed an agreement to purchase the technology, which combines chemical addition and proprietary controls for water and wastewater treatment. Siemens will integrate the technology into its Memcor membrane systems, which will support greater membrane performance for difficult-to-treat water sources.

The Clearlogx automated chemical feed system enhances organic contaminant removal in water and wastewater, while simultaneously improving membrane and conventional filter performance. In traditional systems, increased coagulant dose rates can achieve higher soluble organic removal, but often at the expense of elevated membrane fouling. To avoid this, a controlled coagulant feed is necessary. The Clearlogx system controls the addition of acid, coagulant and chlorine dosing systems. The proprietary technology decreases membrane fouling and reduces the formation of disinfection byproducts.

As part of the agreement, the founder of MarMac Water, Gregg McLeod, will work with Siemens Water Technologies to continue to develop the Clearlogx product line.

Source: Siemens

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