A new future regulations section and seven strategies to help water organizations prepare for a more reliable and financially secure future are new features of the 13th edition of HDR’s Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) regulatory wall chart.
“HDR has distributed more than 1.3 million poster-sized charts to water utilities, universities and water professionals around the world since 1992,” said Gregg Kirmeyer, national director of drinking water for HDR.
The poster-sized chart provides a reference describing drinking water regulations. It includes a detailed listing of contaminants and maximum contaminant levels, health effects and monitoring requirements.
Sarah Clark, P.E., of HDR’s Denver office, is the editor of the wall chart and the quarterly SDWA Newsletter. Clark serves as chairwoman of the American Water Works Assn.’s (AWWA) Water Treatment Plant Standard committee, is a member of the Standards Council and serves on several AWWA regulatory workgroups and committees.
The latest edition of the wall chart examines current water industry issues and the latest revised rules and regulations.
The future regulations section addresses changes that are anticipated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the near future. EPA is moving ahead to develop a perchlorate regulation after signing the final regulatory determination in January. Two regulations currently undergoing revisions are the Total Coliform Rule and the Lead and Copper Rule, both of which will impact water system operations.
The latest edition also contains seven strategies developed by HDR for water organizations, including:
• Integrated water planning; • Proactive supply development; • Forward-looking regulatory compliance; • Customized infrastructure management; • 21st century water treatment; • Alternative delivery methods; and • System-wide optimization.Copies of the 2011 SDWA wall chart can be requested at www.hdrinc.com/sdwa. An interactive regulatory tool also is available on the site.
Source: HDR