
Special Olympics Illinois & MWRD Prepare for Annual Rubber Ducky Derby

Aug. 7, 2012

Thousands of spectators will cheer on 35,000 yellow rubber ducks as the ducks splash along the Chicago River racecourse during the annual Windy City Rubber Ducky Derby to benefit Special Olympics Illinois. The race kicks off at 1 p.m. on Thursday, August 9, at the Columbus Avenue bridge and will finish at the Michigan Avenue bridge.

Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago (MWRD) pollution control boats will escort the ducks along the route, guiding them toward the finish line by using bursts of water from the front-mounted water cannon.

“Thousands of youngsters benefit from the Special Olympics so we are happy to help support this endeavor,” said Commissioner and Board President Terrence J. O’Brien.

Family entertainment will include face painting, games, free food and appearances by several sports mascots. Donated prizes will be provided to the adoptive parents of the winning ducks.

Ducks are available for a $5 adoption fee, and all proceeds benefit Special Olympics Illinois programs which support over 32,000 athletes across Illinois. For more information, visit www.duckrace.com/chicago.

Source: MWRD

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