
Palm Bay City Manager Appointed to ISI Board

Susan Hann is city manager of Palm Bay, Fla.
Feb. 5, 2014
2 min read

The American Public Works Assn. (APWA) announced that Susan Hann, P.E., public works leadership fellow (PWLF), city manager of Palm Bay, Fla., and a member of the APWA board of directors, has been appointed to the board of directors of the Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure (ISI).

APWA President Ed Gottko, PWLF of Westfield, N.J., appointed Hann to the nine-member ISI Board of Directors. The American Public Works Association (APWA) is one of the three national engineering organizations that co-founded ISI, with the American Society of Civil Engineers and the American Council of Engineering Companies. The ISI is a non-profit 501 (c) 3 organization dedicated to working with public and private owners, designers, contractors and materials/equipment manufacturers and suppliers, to forge a new vision for sustainable infrastructure through the use of the new ISI EnvisionTM rating system and other initiatives.

“We are pleased that Sue Hann has accepted the appointment to serve a three year term of office, and I know she will be an effective governing board member and spokesperson for the public interest and sustainable communities,” Gottko said. “Her background is a perfect fit for the ISI Boar— a city manager, a former public works director, an engineer, a planner and an energetic mentor to many in the profession.”

Hann was appointed city manager of Palm Bay, Fla., in May, 2011 after 14 years of serving the city; five years as the public works director, and nine years as the deputy city manager overseeing the Public Works Department, the Parks and Recreation Department, the Growth Management Department and Economic Development. Much of Hann’s 33-years of professional experience have been in local government public works.

Source: American Public Works Assn.

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