ACE15 Super Saver Registration Deadline Approaching
Source American Water Works Assn.
The super saver registration deadline for the American Water Works Assn.’s (AWWA) 2015 Annual Conference and Exposition (ACE15) is Friday March 27. ACE15 will take place June 7 to 10 in Anaheim, Calif.
Individuals are encouraged to register early for the conference and save up to $200 in full-conference registration fees. Full-conference registration includes access to all sessions, the exposition and two complimentary lunch tickets for use on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday in the Expo Café at the Anaheim Convention Center.
This is the first year that AWWA is partnering with a local section to produce the conference. AWWA and the California-Nevada Section have compiled a professional program that will focus on major water sector issues, regional sessions and expanded Total Water Solutions sessions to address the changing needs of the global water community.
Attendees will have networking and educational opportunities available at the exposition with 450 supporting exhibitors, the AWWA Pavilion, the Career Center Job Fair, International Resource Center, poster sessions, competitions, Roundtable Solution Sessions, the Innovation lounge and the new Hydrant Hysteria and Hot Flare demos.
Specific registration options are available for public officials, operators, students and smaller utilities. In addition to early registration, special quantity discounts are available for select groups including utilities, operators and professors.
Source: American Water Works Assn.