AWWA, Water Community Encourage Protecting Water Infrastructure
As Drinking Water Week concludes, the American Water Works Assn. (AWWA) joins water professionals across North America in urging consumers to evaluate how they currently value, use and access water and how to protect it into the future.
North America’s water systems are critical to maintaining public health, economic vitality, fire protection and quality of life. However, current trends in population, economic growth, energy, climate and pollution are affecting water usage, and the critical infrastructure the systems rely on needs to function properly.
“Now is the time to be aware of the critical issues currently affecting our water supply. Being aware of those issues aid us in ensuring we are doing all we can to protect them for the future,” said AWWA CEO David LaFrance.
As our current water systems are in need of repair and even replacement, there is hope in addressing the issue. Taking care of them proactively and investing in them is the smart decision to provide for future generations.
Source: American Water Works Assn.