U.S. Wastewater Treatment and Recycle Systems Revenue Expected to Reach $3.8 Billion by 2025

May 16, 2016
Report from Navigant Research examines market for hydraulic fracturing wastewater treatment and recycle systems

A new report from Navigant Research examines the market for hydraulic fracturing wastewater treatment and recycle systems, as well as deep well injection, with forecasts segmented by disposal type and region, through 2025.

As natural gas exploration resumes following the industry’s recent price shock, a greater emphasis on water protection through regulations and public efforts is expected to influence the sourcing and disposal of water for hydraulic fracturing. Regulations will increasingly emphasize the treatment and recycle of flowback and produced water over deep well injection, particularly in North America.

“The market for hydraulic fracturing waste water treatment is certainly going to grow over the next decade, gradually replacing deep well injection,” says Anne Wrobetz, research analyst with Navigant Research. “This market will grow primarily in the United States and Canada both because of regulatory pressure and because of large shale gas reserves.”

The treatment of flowback and produced water can be achieved through a variety of different technologies, according to the report, including advanced oxidation, membrane filtration and reverse osmosis. As this market evolves, growing importance is expected to be placed on modular treatment systems, as opposed to more centralized treatment technologies.

This report, Wastewater Treatment Technologies in Natural Gas Hydraulic Fracturing, covers the market for wastewater treatment and recycle systems, as well as deep well injection, in hydraulic fracturing. The study looks at the hydraulic fracturing market around the world, focusing on the United States, Canada, and China. Global market forecasts, segmented by disposal type and region, extend through 2025. The hydraulic fracturing market is broken down by the amount of water in, and total market for, deep well injection and recycle with treatment. This report also covers various types of technologies for treating or disposing of flowback and produced water, as well as regulations related to hydraulic fracturing in the major natural gas-producing countries. An executive summary of the report is available for free download on the Navigant Research website.

Source: Navigant Research

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