
WATERCON 2018 Opens Registration and Booth Sales

Event will take place March 19 to 22, 2018
Dec. 6, 2017

The American Water Works Assn. (AWWA) Illinois Section has opened registration for its annual WATERCON event. The conference will take place March 19 to 22, 2018, at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Springfield, Ill.

The event will allow industry professionals, such as utility managers, directors, operators and others to be exposed to current trends, new technologies, and relevant developments in the “total water” cycle the conference addresses, including storm water management, wastewater treatment, potable water treatment and water reuse. Those in attendance will have access to more than 220 exhibitors and 200 technical learning sessions with the current industry knowledge.

Individual registration pricing ranges from $15 to $250, while exhibit booth prices range from $500 to $690. For more information on the pricing breakdown and further event details, visit http://www.isawwa.org/mpage/2015conf00.

Source: http://www.isawwa.org/mpage/2015conf00

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