
Taking the Mystery out of Cavitation Pilot-Operated Automatic Control Valves

June 18, 2013

This white paper will deal with cavitation solutions as they relate to valves and specifically pilot-operated automatic control valves. A high-level description of what causes cavitation and the associated impacts will be covered. Typical occurrences of cavitation and consequences will also be discussed in some detail. A brief history of cavitation solutions will be explored so an understanding of past practices will be fully understood. An overview of products addressing cavitation (anti-cavitation trim) will be explored and will cover body design and understanding Cv1 values as applied to full-port and reduced-port valves. The benefits of anti-cavitation trim are explored in some detail with sub-topics such as noise reduction. Finally, numerous typical applications will be covered to explain where anti-cavitation trim will eliminate or substantially reduce the normal impacts of cavitation.