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Municipal Wastewater Utility Improvements Reduce Annual Energy Expense by 65%

March 11, 2016

Wastewater treatment plants are an untapped market in the world of energy efficiency. For municipal governments, these plants account for 30 to 40% of total energy consumption and represent their largest controllable expense. With proper design and analysis, plant efficiencies can be improved and utility bills reduced while also providing much-needed upgrades to aging equipment. Studies estimate there are $105 billion worth of infrastructure improvements needed at U.S. plants. Many plants are over 20 years old and are using technology that is outdated and inefficient.

This case study explains how one California municipality addressed the rising costs of energy and outdated equipment at its wastewater treatment plant with a self-funding retrofit solution, saving more than $240,000 in annual energy costs. It also showcases the project’s ability to help the city future-proof its operations to prepare for increased state government treatment standards and population growth.

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