The company Northrop Grumman will launch a new water recycling project in unison with the West Basin Municipal Water District’s Redondo Beach facility in California. The recycled water will be put to use in three cooling towers.
According to Northrop Grumman, the new partnership will allow for the conservation of roughly 16 million gal of drinking water annually. The company also vowed to cut back on overall water consumption by 20% through the year 2020.
The initiative will in part be funded by the California Department of Water Resources, pulling from the Proposition 84 funds allocated by the state.
According to John Murnane, vice president of global operations for Northrop Grumman, the company hopes to contribute positively to the water issues plaguing California.
“Given that southern California is vulnerable to periodic droughts, sometimes quite serious ones, our company wanted to do its part to reduce our impact on the region’s supply of drinking water,” Murnane said, also noting the Redondo Beach facility with which they will be collaborating has already reduced water consumption by 25.6 million gal over the past three years.