IWA Announces Project Innovation Award Winners
The Global Winners of the International Water Association’s (IWA) Project Innovation Awards (PIA) were announced at an awards ceremony during the IWA World Water Congress in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. The winners by award category are:
Applied Research:
Winner: Variable Salinity Plant (PUB, Singapore’s National Water Agency, Singapore)
Honour Awards:
• Value-added products through the bioconversion of wastewater and wastewater sludge (Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique, Centre Eau, Terre & Environnement, Universite du Quebec, Canada);
• Iron-Based Adsobents and Related Technologies for the Simultaneous Removal of As(III) and As(V): Application for Drinking Water Treatment and Water Environment Remediation, (Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China); and
• Patented Gaseous Electron Donor Injection Technology (GEDIT) for In Situ Biodegradation of Perchlorate and Nitrate (CDM, United States)
Winner: Western Corridor Recycled Water Project (WaterSecure, Australia)
Honour Awards:
• Marina Barrage (CDM and PUB, Singapore’s National Water Agency, Singapore); and
• Sustainable Drinking Water Production: Recovery & Use of Water-Based Methane (Vitens/Royal Haskoing, The Netherlands)
Winner: The Manila Water Experience—Reducing Manila’s Water Losses Through a Multi-Pronged Approach (Manila Water Co. Inc., The Phillipines)
Honour Awards:
• Creating Premium Seoul Tap Water—From “Clean & Safe Water” to “Tasty Water” (The • Office of Waterworks, Seoul Metropolitan Government, Republic of Korea); and
COWAMA (Coastal Water Management) (CLASBSA [AGBAR], Spain)
Winner: Gold Coast Water’s Four R’s Project—From Vision to Reality (Gold Coast Water, Australia)
Honour Awards:
• Zhangjiagang Free Trade Zone Sembcorp Water Co. Ltd.—An Integrated, Energy-Saving, Zero Liquid Discharge and Sustainable Water Treatment/Reclamation Project (Zhangjiagang Free Trade Zone Sembcorp Water Co. Ltd., China); and
• Taipei Water Department Leakage Control and Management by DMA (Taipei Water Department, Chinese Taiwan)
Small Projects:
Winner: Ice Pigging Technology to Clean Potable Water Mains (AGBAR, United Kingdom)
Honour Awards:
• The Development of Application of Innovative High Speed Biological Groundwater • • Treatment Technology (Nagaoka International Corp., Japan); and
Downtown Scottsdale Booster Station 179 (GHD Inc., United States)
Superior Achievement Award: Western Corridor Recycled Water Project (WaterSecure, Australia)
Detailed descriptions of the global winning projects, and a general brief on the 2010 IWA Project Innovation Awards, at www.iwa-pia.org.
The Project Innovation Awards Programme (PIA) was established by the IWA in 2006 to recognize excellence and innovation in water engineering projects throughout the world. Held once every two years, the Awards program supports IWA’s goal to “connect water professionals worldwide to lead the development of effective and sustainable approaches to water management.” Projects submitted for the awards are judged based on the following criteria: originality and innovative application of technology; future value to engineering profession; social, economic and sustainable design considerations; complexity of the situation addressed; and degree of meeting client’s needs and expectations.
For the 2010 PIA, submitted projects first competed in one of the four regional bases in the Asia-Pacific, East Asia, Europe and North America. The regional award winners and honor awardees were announced at three regional award ceremonies held earlier in the year in Barcelona (for the European regional competition) on May10; in Shanghai (for the East Asia regional competition) on June 4; and in Singapore (for the Asia-Pacific regional competition) on June 30. The North America regional competition was conducted through the American Academy of Environmental Engineers (AAEE).
All regional winners and honor awardees are advanced to compete against each other for the PIA Global Grand Prize in each of the five categories, and the Global Grand Prize Winner with the highest overall score will be awarded the Superior Achievement Award.
Source: IWA