Talking Under Water - Oct 20th, 2023
In this special episode, the hosts recognize Imagine a Day Without Water, which was October 19.
Talking Under Water | View online
October 20, 2023

Yesterday, October 19, was Imagine a Day Without Water, a day dedicated to highlighting how essential and invaluable water is. To honor the event, we asked fellow Endeavor Business Media editors and podcast hosts to share how important water is to their industries – aviation, food processing, dentistry and more. From explaining how important water is to making equipment work to how vital water is to dental health; this episode explores why water is such an essential resource. We invite you to take a few minutes to think what a day without water would look like for you. And, as always, we hope you enjoy the episode.

In this episode of Talking Under Water, the hosts recognize Imagine a Day Without Water by sharing how important water is to other industries – aviation, food processing, dentistry...