Talking Under Water - Jan 5th, 2024
Co-host Bob Crossen talks with Radhika Fox, of U.S. EPA’s Office of Water, about the agency’s annual PFAS Progress report.
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January 5, 2024

Happy New Year, listeners! We hope you had a happy, healthy and restful holiday season. We are back and refreshed, and we're so ready for all the great interviews we'll bring you in 2024. First up, co-host Bob Crossen spoke with Radhika Fox, assistant administrator for the U.S. EPA's Office of Water, about the agency’s annual PFAS Progress report, which was released on Dec. 14, 2023. Crossen and Fox discuss UCMR5; the proposed Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) for the National Primary Drinking Water Regulation; PFAS in stormwater and much more. We hope you enjoy and gain valuable insight. Have a great weekend!

In this episode of Talking Under Water, co-host Bob Crossen talks with Radhika Fox, of U.S. EPA’s Office of Water, about the agency’s annual PFAS Progress report.