WWD Weekly eNews - Feb 19th, 2024
Clean Water SRF appropriations in danger of cuts; Europe proposes urban wastewater directive
WWD Weekly eNews | View online
February 19, 2024

As Congress heads toward yet another funding cliff in early March, water leaders are urging the appropriations committees in the House and Sentate to fully fund the Clean Water and Drinking Water State Revolving Fund programs. Check out our news article for more details, including how Congressionally directed funding (also known as earmarks) are impacting the funding pools for CWSRF and DWSRF.

- Bob Crossen, Editorial Director

In a joint Feb. 15 letter to the Congressional Appropriations Committee, the 23 organizations in the water industry have urged the committee to fully fund the Clean Water and Drinking Water State Revovling Funds for FY2024.In July, E&E News reported that lawmakers in the House proposed cuts to Interior-Environment Approrpriations, which included...
A provisional agreement between European organizations would expand the urban wastewater treatment directive’s scope and introduce a micro-pollutant polluter-pays framework known as extended producer responsibility.
Woodsville Wastewater Treatment Facility achieves more than 20% cake solids by replacing aging belt filter press with a modern screw press.
A new Engineering Innovation Lab in Kenosha, Wisconsin will support Centrisys/CNP’s engineering departments.
As money from the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act begins to percolate to water and wastewater projects across the United States, engineering and design firms are seeing historic workloads for their teams.  John Henderson, CEO of HDR Inc., explains the extent of those historic workloads, how it is challenged by a competitive workforce marketplace...
In this episode, the hosts share an interview with Ifetayo Venner on diversity, equity and inclusion in the water sector.

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Nominate a rising star in the wastewater industry to be recognized as a 2024 Wastewater Digest Young Pro! To qualify for the recognition, the nominee must be 40 years old or younger or must have 10 or fewer years of experience in the wastewater industry. Nominate yourself, a friend, or a colleague as rising star today!
A $46 million investment from Ohio’s Drinking Water State Revolving Fund program will help to modernize the Sugar Creek Water Treatment Plant.
Addressing how stormwater runoff plays a role in PFAS mitigation