WWD Digest News - May 13th, 2024
PFAS in biosolids study suggest alternatives for Portland, Maine wastewater systems
WWD Digest News | View online
May 13, 2024

Last week, we shared news about the industry warning of a biosolids crisis in Maine. This week, we have news out of Portland, Maine where the wastewater utility conducted a study to identify alternatives. Additionally, the Wastewater Digest Top Projects nomination are open!

- Bob Crossen, Group Editorial Director

Portland, Maine, conducted a study on how to address PFAS in biosolids.
The San Francisco violations include discharged untreated wastewater into surrounding water sources.
The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality issued 11 fines totaling $231,281.
By registering for this eHandbook, wastewater utility owners, managers and operators will gain insight into nutrient reduction challenges, odor control concerns and decentralized systems. Your plant may feel like it is on an island, but you are not alone.
Careful observation and the right equipment can optimize cleaning, lower operating costs, and save crews’ time.
Industry experts warn of a looming biosolids crisis in Maine following the state's ban on land application.
The Evansville West Wastewater Treatment Plant personnel take pride in detail oriented analyses of processes to improve performance across the board.
In this new white paper, learn how biological/microbial solutions break down FOG (fats, oils and grease) in sewers and prevent its reformation—without burdening downstream treatment or complicating discharge compliance.
Nominate your latest and greatest project for a Wastewater Digest Top Project award for 2024! Projeccts large and small all qualify so long as they have been in the design or construction phase in the past 18 months. Click the button below to complete a nomination form today.