Talking Under Water - Jun 7th, 2024
This episode dives into recent industry news, including company restructuring, funding and more.
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June 7, 2024

Happy Friday, listeners! In this week's episode, we're diving into recent industry news. From DuPont's plans to spin off into multiple companies to Sewer Overflow and Stormwater Reuse Municipal Grant funding and the 2024 hurricane season, there is a lot going on in the water industry right now. It's a short but sweet episode, and we hope you listen before kicking off your weekend.

In this episode, the hosts cover recent industry news, including DuPont's restructuring plans, funding and more.
The process is expected to be completed by the spring of 2026.
Over $2.8 million in funding for stormwater infrastructure will be used in Iowa, Kansas, Missouri and Nebraska.
Roland Jones of CIS discusses flood control challenges, funding and more.
Industry experts warn of a looming biosolids crisis in Maine following the state's ban on land application.