
Orange County Restaurants Conserve Water and Energy

Orange County Water District, Local Agencies Aid the Efforts
Oct. 24, 2001
2 min read

Thanks to the environmentally conscious members of the Orange County restaurant industry, a new water efficiency program to help stretch Orange County's water supplies has received an initial positive response from local restaurant managers.

The water conservation program--designed specifically for restaurants--offers free laminated tent cards for the restaurants to place on their tables. The cards explain to guests the restaurants' interest in helping conserve water for Orange County--it takes eight glasses of water to clean one water glass--and that the restaurant will only be serving water upon request. This program allows the guests and the restaurant to be environmentally aware while reducing water use, lowering costs and saving energy.

"With the less-than-average snow pack, low rainfall and energy problems this year, this program is very timely in helping Orange County conserve water and energy," commented Jerry A. King, president of the OCWD board of directors. "Sometimes we forget that we live in a semi-arid region where efforts like this should be a part of ongoing water conservation programs."

Sponsored by Orange County Water District, Municipal Water District of Orange County, Metropolitan Water District of Southern California and other local agencies, this water efficiency program is being offered free-of-charge to restaurants throughout Orange County.

During the first week of introducing this program to Orange County restaurant managers, nearly 200 restaurants signed up for the program. As a leader in water conservation efforts, Orange County Water District's goal is to sign up 25 percent of Orange County restaurants by summer 2002.

In addition to table tent-cards, participating restaurants also are awarded certificates of appreciation to put on display recognizing their water conservation efforts.

Restaurants interested in showing their environmental awareness should call 714-378-3221 for more information or to order the conservation cards.

Source: Businesswire

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