Perrier Launches New Transportable Plastic Bottle
The Perrier Group of Canada has introduced their newest addition to the Perrier line -- a 500mL plastic PET bottle. The new Perrier plastic bottle is adapted for today's on-the-move lifestyle. The bottled potential of "En Plastique" Perrier will inspire everyone to 'go with the eau.'
The popularity of bottled water consumption continues to grow around the world. Canadians alone bought more than 700 million liters of bottled water in 2000, a quantity of amazing proportions considering it takes 20 minutes for that amount of water to flow over the Niagara Falls.
The new on-the-go plastic Perrier bottles are now being shipped and will be seen on store shelves in the next week. They are available in 500mL size. The innovative design was created by Dragon Rouge agency in France and is a fusion of modern function and the look of the classic Perrier glass bottle recognized around the world.
"These sleek articles of eau couture fit easily into backpacks, car consoles, purses and hands everywhere," says Maria DiLeo, Marketing Manager for The Perrier Group of Canada, "It's the refreshing alternative to caffeine and sugar-laden soft drinks and it has a far greater thirst quenching power. A great, satisfying mouth-feel with each 500mL bottle containing 25 million natural bubbles!"
The Perrier spring is located in the south of France in a town called Vergèze. The water that gushes out at this source is traditionally called "Les Bouillens", which means 'bubbling waters'. Carbon gas rises from deeply buried volcanic origins and mingles with the water which is purified and filtered naturally by three separate subterranean filters of clay, white sand and limestone.
To ensure the integrity of this gift from nature, the technology behind the innovative plastic is the result of 11 years of research. The unique PET (polyethylene terephthalate) plastic retains the ultimate quality of freshness and preserves the naturally carbonated bubbles. This packaging was developed specifically for Perrier and is made possible by the mastery of a new industrial technique. Here's how it works: The bottle consists of two layers of PET plastic, sandwiching a layer of nylon called MXD-6. This structure considerably limits carbonation loss to a maximum of 15 percent after 12 months. Carbonation loss among other carbonated beverages exceeds 50 per cent.
"The new plastic PET bottle guarantees the true taste of Perrier, combined with accessibility for everyone, and transportability to anywhere," says Emmanuel Manichon, International Marketing Director for Perrier Vittel S.A, based in France, "Its replenishing and rejuvenating attributes make it eau couture for the body -- that is best worn on the inside."
Source: Perrier Group of Canada