W&WD Recognizes CST Projects
More than 140 industry professionals joined the editorial staff of Water & Wastes Digest (W&WD) at an award ceremony to recognize winners of the 2015 Top Projects Awards. The reception took place on Sept. 29, 2015, during WEFTEC 2015 in Chicago.
Every year, W&WD recognizes ten projects that were in the design or construction phase during the past 18 months. These projects are chosen based on innovations, long-term impact on the communities and challenges met.
During the event, CST and Florida-Aquastore received an award for the Beetham Water Recycling Plant project, spearheaded by Florida-Aquastore, in Point Lisas, Trinidad. Florida-Aquastore—an authorized CST dealer serving the water storage and wastewater market across the state of Florida, the Caribbean, Central America and South America—constructed two Aquastore glass-fused-to-steel tanks at Point Lisas. The tanks were part of a $167-million upgrade to the facility to recycle wastewater to industrial standard and use it to supply clients in the Point Lisas Industrial Estate. Prior to the upgrade, the wastewater was being recycled and pumped into the sea. This project is the first to include water recycling among the nation’s menu of technologies for water provision. The Beetham Water Recycling Plant is the Caribbean’s largest water reuse project. The industrial estate will benefit from a reliable and high-quality water supply, thereby diverting 10 mgd of good-quality potable water to the national community, supplying more than 150,000 people and positively impacting more than 200,000.
Aquastore also received an award for the Iowa City Wastewater Treatment Plant expansion project during the ceremony.
In-depth coverage of each winning project will be featured in W&WD’s December 2015 Annual Reference Guide issue.
Source: CST Industries Inc.