Collection Systems

Mad-Town Taken by Storm(water)

Stormwater course to be held in Madison, Wis., March 29-31
Jan. 27, 2004

The University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Engineering Professional Development will offer a course, Designing Best Management Practices for Stormwater Quality Improvement, March 29-31, 2004, in Madison, Wis.

This course is for design engineers, architects, contractors, developers, regulators, reviewers, regional planning and city/county staff.

Attendees will learn about BMPs associated with Phase II implementation; the status of the EPA’s NPDES program and Wisconsin’s NR216; integration of flow with water quality management; illicit discharge and detection; public involvement; source control/high efficiency street sweeping; infiltration/bio-filtration management practices; retrofitting challenges and options; and detention ponds and water quality design.

For further information contact Patrick D Eagan at 608/263-7429, by e-mail [email protected] or visit

Source: UofW

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