Tech Reviews

Micro Carbon Complex Reduces Operation Costs

Product increases efficiency of treatment plants
April 5, 2013
2 min read

Bio Energizer is a specialized micro carbon complex that provides essential nutrients and enzymes, which stimulate microorganism cell wall permeability and cellular growth in wastewater treatment plants and lagoons.

Bio Energizer is used in both municipal and industrial wastewater treatment systems to reduce sludge, odor, BOD/COD’s, FOG’s, operational upsets and ultimately operational costs. Bio Energizer can help operators save thousands of dollars in operating costs; at less than 1/10 the typical cost of dredging, handling and hauling, and less than 1/100 the cost of building or upgrading a treatment plant.

Bio Energizer bio-chemically oxidizes sludge in wastewater lagoons while remaining on line and continuing to work, and reduces the lagoon sludge blanket without the need for draining, drying, dredging, handling or hauling sludge. 

When used in activated sludge plants, Bio Energizer increases volatile solids destruction and improves decant volume and settleability for greater digester and reactor capacity, giving operators more capacity and reducing solids handling requirements. This is especially important during the winter months where land applying sludge may not be an option.

All Probiotics Solutions products use the company’s proprietary Micro Carbon Technology as their base ingredient for maximum microbial stimulation in wastewater to increase the production efficiency of treatment plants by reducing biosolids more quickly, improving settleability, reducing offensive odors and raising dissolved oxygen levels. That all translates to significant cost-savings in a number of operational areas.

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Probiotic Solutions
Gilbert, AZ
[email protected]

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