Changes in volume and debris have always plagued washer compactors because no plant is able to predict the volume or types of debris at the influent. Fixed-volume washer compactors struggle to perform under conditions that vary widely. To solve this problem, Duperon provides a line of adaptive washer compactors that incorporate a self-adjusting compaction housing. This housing maintains pressure when debris volumes are low, and mechanically adapts the level of pressure when volumes increase.
The Duperon washer compactor features a positive displacement, dual-auger system. Single-auger designs can be stopped by large or clinging debris due to the adhesive nature and friction properties of most wastewater debris. Single-auger designs can pack this material until it simply rotates with the auger, rather than moving it forward to discharge debris and grease. The dual-auger design of the Duperon washer compactor interrupts the single-direction rotation of debris, which could adhere in a single-user design. The Duperon non-batching process continuously cleans and compacts screenings, accepting even non-standard wastewater debris such as rocks, clothing, concrete and metal up to 4 in.
The Duperon washer compactor provides up to 84% volume reduction and up to 60% dry solids, reducing landfill costs while decreasing the problems associated with the variability of debris.
Duperon technologies are designed and manufactured in Saginaw, Mich.