Water Meter Includes New Features & Options
The Waterflux 3070 is a battery-powered all-in-one water meter with built-in flow, pressure and temperature measurement. It offers very simple installation with no ongoing maintenance. No inlet or outlet straight runs or filters are needed, and it is a direct replacement for mechanical meters.
The Waterflux 3070 comes with standard battery power, and KROHNE now offers a new line power or solar panel option plus battery backup. It is suitable for monitoring pressure surges and flowing temperature trends via remote telemetry with a built-in RS485 Modbus RTU communication option for readings, meter status and alarms. Its IP68 polycarbonate converter housing comes standard with waterproof connector plugs.
This unit can provide important real time data to support water distribution needs such as zone water balance, water abstraction, pressure management or water billing. Its design features a rectangular cross section and an efficient coil construction, which significantly optimizes the flowing velocity, flow profile and accuracy in high daytime or low nighttime flowing conditions.
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