Top Projects

Public relations make WWTP improvements a source of pride

Dec. 10, 2024
3 min read

One stakeholder took precedence: the community. The city and its construction stakeholders took great effort to regularly update the public about the project to provide a deep level of transparency. These efforts extended beyond the general public meetings into local news and online streaming services to provide updates to the council and the public.

“Pasco routinely provides additional public communications, which for this project included updates at Council meeting and segments on the City’s ‘Pasco Pulse’ program on plant operations and construction progress,” Anderson said. “To be most effective, the city uses multiple formats to get the message out — both live (local TV channels and streams) and recorded (YouTube and Facebook).”

Transparency about the project’s purpose and progress was also owned by the operators and city workers who run the facility. Staff held tours of the treatment plant to show how the facility works for interested members of the public in addition to educational presentations about the project, which included one for the local chapter of Pacific Northwest Clean Water Association and the American Society of Civil Engineers. Ultimately, these efforts fostered a broader understanding with the community and stakeholders for a project that has become a matter of pride.

“In a way this is a fairy tale project for us,” said Maria Serra, Pasco public works director. “When we set off to deliver this project, we did not know the journey we were in for. This project is a real testament to collaboration.”

About the Author

Bob Crossen

Bob Crossen is the editorial director for the Endeavor Business Media Water Group, which publishes WaterWorld, Wastewater Digest and Stormwater Solutions. Crossen graduated from Illinois State University in Dec. 2011 with a Bachelor of Arts in German and a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism. He worked for Campbell Publications, a weekly newspaper company in rural Illinois outside St. Louis for four years as a reporter and regional editor. 

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