Bentley Announces Academic Grants of Software Worth $5M
Bentley Systems, Inc., today announced that it will grant Haestad Methods software valued at $5 million to colleges and universities with degree programs in civil and environmental engineering.
The Haestad Methods water resources product line provides for design, analysis and management of water distribution supply, municipal sanitary sewers, urban stormwater collection, roadway and civil site drainage, and flood control. Thousands of schools worldwide use this software in their engineering courses, as well as the authoritative Haestad Methods textbook, Computer Applications in Hydraulic Engineering.
"We're very pleased that our faculty and students will now be able to explore the leading hydraulics and hydrology software," said Dr. Randy Dymond of Virginia Tech's civil and environmental engineering department, which recently received a grant for Haestad Methods software.
"Experience with this state-of-the-art software will help teach students how to apply engineering principles in the real world, as well as make them more marketable at graduation," Dymond said.
Haestad Methods software can help supplement water resources courses in several ways:
- Instructors can create examples of water, sanitary sewer, and stormwater networks as part of their courses;
- Students can design and analyze water resources systems; or
- Instructors and students can present their research at workshops and conferences.
Grants for Haestad Methods products are limited and will be awarded on a competitive basis. University representatives may request an application by e-mailing [email protected] or visiting
Other Bentley-sponsored academic programs related to the Haestad Methods water resources product line include engineering scholarships, library donations and Utalk – an online discussion group for university faculty, researchers, and students.
Source: Haestad Methods