Utility Management

Mississippi River Basin Nutrients Science Workshop

May 4, 2005

The EPA's Office of Water is hosting a three-day workshop on Oct. 4-6, 2005, in St. Louis, Mo., to assess the state of the science regarding the fate and effect of nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) in large rivers in the Mississippi River Basin (including the Mississippi, Missouri, and Ohio Rivers as well as other major tributaries).

The EPA is committed to supporting efforts by the states to develop and adopt water quality standards for nutrients in the Mississippi River and its major tributaries.

As part of this effort, this workshop will review the available science from government, academia, industry and environmental organizations and will seek to identify the best and most expedient approach to develop nutrient water quality standards to protect the Mississippi River Basin and the Gulf of Mexico.

The call for abstracts can be viewed at: http://www.epa.gov/msbasin/new.htm and are due July 1, 2005.

Source: EPA

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