FCI FS10A Now SIL 2 Compliant
The Model FS10A analyzer flow switch/monitor from Fluid Components International (FCI) meets the requirements for Safety Integrity Level (SIL) 2 compliant service.
FCI’s SIL 2 compliance rating for the FS10A has been documented in a failure analysis report with FMEDA techniques by the accredited certification body exida. The FS10A has been classified as a Type B subsystem in accordance to IEC 61508-1 with a hardware failure tolerance of 0. The product’s average probability of failure on demand (PFD) and safe failure fraction (SFF) meets the requirements for SIL 2 compliance set forth in the standards.
The advanced Model FS10A analyzer flow switch/monitor represents a solution for continuously verifying flows within liquid or gas process analyzer sampling systems. It is a small, lightweight instrument featuring low-flow sensitivity, a relay alarm trip point, an analog output and an RS232 interface. The FS10A’s advanced electronics and thermal dispersion flow-sensing technology provide an accurate, repeatable solution for sampling system flow assurance.
In addition to SIL 2 compliance, agency approvals for the FS10A analyzer flow switch/monitor include FM, FMc, ATEX and IECEx for hazardous location installations.
Source: Fluid Components International, LLC